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Narrator: "Monday, on a all new House!"
House: "He's a drug dealer!"
Narrator: "House treats a wise guy with a bizarre illness."
[House hits the cane against the bed and paitient falls over as seen in the other promo]
House: "Cool."
Narrator: "Plus, when best friends fall for the same girl..."
[Clips of House is giving the girl a back rub, House, girl and Wilson out to dinner, Girl making a shushing gesture]
[In House's office]
House: "I never felt this way about a woman before."
Wilson: "I saw her first!"
Narrator: "How low will Wilson stoop?"
[Wilson walks up to House when they're having dinner with the girl]
Wilson: [holds out a ring to House] "Will you marry me?"
House: [smiling] "Wow."
Narrator: "House, all new episode on Monday 8/7 central on Global"