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«  Январь 2009  »


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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 22 » Интервью Лизы Эдельштейн и Оливии Уайлд для IGN.COM (16.01.2009) и AOL Television (20.01.2009)
Интервью Лизы Эдельштейн и Оливии Уайлд для IGN.COM (16.01.2009) и AOL Television (20.01.2009)

Транскрипция интервью с Лизой:

Interviewer: So you've had quite the season. First of all, the big, you know, are they, will they, won't they -
Lisa interrupts: Yeah
Interviewer (continues): House moment. Did you really think that that would ever happen?
Lisa: I hoped it would. I like, I like the tension between those two characters. I loved the way they handled that kiss. I loved that it was you know really... really raw moment. There was nothing romantic about - like I mean I had no make up on. My face was a mess. I'm in you know basically pajamas and a big sweater. Um, uh, totally vulnerable. Uh, it, it was a beautiful moment of deep, uh, love. Even though it didn't lead to a relationship, these two characters have a very deep relationship with each other. How could they possibly get these two characters together? Even though I really wanted it to and just the way they handled it, the way the writers handled it, I thought was really - I thought it was really brilliant.
Interviewer: They managed to make it seem and you all managed to make it seem so unrehearsed. I mean there was like spittle in the kiss -
Lisa starts laughing.
Interviewer: - to the point where you're like "Oh my God, they really just grabbed each other and kissed each other and it's amazing." It was one of those moments that takes you out of TV.
Lisa (kind of talking over interviewer): Oh. I'm so, I'm so glad you feel that way.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Lisa: I can't watch it that way, cause I know it's about to happen.
Interview (they're kind of talking over each other at this point): So now we want more. Exactly.
Lisa: But that's really nice to hear, thank you.
Interviewer: And now we want more. Now, that Cuddy is -
Lisa: Good.
Interviewer: seemly on her road for real now to be a mom and adopt this baby, what is next?
Interviewer: Well, she... she's unprepared for what it means to be a mother, and I think nobody's really prepared for what it means to be a mother, but she's already mother of this hospital. She takes care of everything. She's got a million eyes and a million hands, having to control this, plus having to control him. Uh, and so to have a baby means that she has to let go of something. What's she gonna let go of? Uh, and it really is a huge question and uh, it kind of falls apart. Um, and, and the question, is she really going to be a mom, comes up.

Источник 1, Источник 2, Источник транскрипции
Категория: Видео новости | Просмотров: 1293 | Добавил: fistashka | оливия уайлд, лиза эдельштейн, видео интервью, интервью
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Всего комментариев: 4
4 porshe   (23.01.2009 12:40) [Материал]
оливия - шикарная!!

3 germiolina   (22.01.2009 10:43) [Материал]
Um, and, and the question, is she really going to be a mom, comes up.
Наводит на мысль, что ребенка у Кадди может и не стать...

2 kloynchik   (22.01.2009 09:47) [Материал]
У всех такие интересные жесты и мимика, но особенно у Лизы smile

1 maiden_marina   (22.01.2009 05:32) [Материал]
ну и дядька упитанный с ними беседует...)) Лиза похожа на цыганку с этими серьгами.

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