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Between Takes-Question One: Can you tell us what is coming up for your character this season?
LE: It's been really amazing this season. I've gotten to do a lot of stuff and I've had some wonderful scenes and coming up is some really interesting and juicy stuff too. Now she's got this baby AND what's she going to do with it?! There are a lot of question marks around that. She's already taking care of so much. She's the mother of this hospital, she's the mother of House! She has to do everything and now she has another human being relying on her and I don't really think she was prepared for what it really means to be a Mom and because of that, the question is to whether or not she CAN be or whether or not she can do her job. I think she begins to feel like it's got to be one or the other.
Question Two: What is it like working with this cast and crew?
LE: We have had the opportunity of working together for FIVE years and that just doesn't happen very often. Luckily, it is five years with people who aren't crazy! There's just NO crazy person on the show-unless it's me and I don't know it! Could be!-But I don't think so. I really am happy to be there, REALLY happy to get to know everyone, especially for so long. The writers are amazing, just everybody, even the crew itself. We've been with them-we had a few shifts of crew members-but there's a lot of guys we've been with for years, so that's pretty phenomenal and unusual.
Question Three: What do you think the secret is to the success of the show?
LE: We have incredible writers! David Shore really has a vision and it's great. And THEN we have Hugh Laurie, who is enormously talented and very dedicated to his work. He is a perfectionist, he does everything with his WHOLE heart, so that makes a HUGE difference. Really, number one on the call sheet-whoever is number one-kind of sets the pace for things and he's been great. I think between those two things, it was really wonderful that we got to be so successful.
Question Four: What do you like most about playing the character of Lisa?
LE: I love having the opportunity of being that same character for so many years and kind of discovering more and more about her and her relationship with him. It's a great job. I wear great outfits. My shoes hurt SO much, but I don't have to wear them for very long, so I get to wear really HOT shoes for short periods of time! Yeah, it's great-it's a wonderful job!