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По-вашему, доктор Хауз сможет вылечится от зависимости?
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Модератор форума: alslaf, kahlan  
BirdДата: Суббота, 17.04.2010, 23:05 | Сообщение # 301
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Quote (kahlan)
Это не сканы, а фотки

Фотки, но мне кажется, всё вполне читабельно smile

Orla, спасибо!

"По законам аэродинамики шмель не способен летать, однако шмель об этом не знает и спокойно летает" (международная мудрость)
kahlanДата: Воскресенье, 18.04.2010, 10:25 | Сообщение # 302
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Quote (Bird)
Фотки, но мне кажется, всё вполне читабельно

Читабельно, но текст не распознать. Послежу за их сайтом.

Спасибо большое, Orla! Последнюю можно положить в раздел Хью Лори, там больше народу увидит.

kahlanДата: Суббота, 24.04.2010, 17:37 | Сообщение # 303
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StacyДата: Пятница, 14.05.2010, 15:08 | Сообщение # 304
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Люди! Видела обложку журнала "ХлебСоль" с рецептом, вы будете смеяться,
от Грегушки broken гурмана нашего snack

Даже нашла его в сети, чтоб посмеяться сыто, дружно, всем вместе eat
но меня туда почему-то не пускают... manythought
Кто может снять скан страницы snap
и выложить сюда questionmark


майский номер, называется скромненько, но со вкусом:
"сандвич доктора Хауса"

decemberДата: Понедельник, 17.05.2010, 11:06 | Сообщение # 305
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Stacy, вроде бы у них сайт заработал. По этой ссылке рецепт:
как-то так)

"Самое большое несчастье моей жизни - гибель Анны Карениной" (С. Довлатов)
StacyДата: Понедельник, 17.05.2010, 22:18 | Сообщение # 306
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благодарю smile
негодую angry
что эта юля высоцкая себе там позволяет, а!
вместо скана странички, где крупно указан автор рецептыша -
Грегушка гурман наш -
какие-то левые журналюги, ряженые поварами! cranky

gallinaДата: Понедельник, 17.05.2010, 22:26 | Сообщение # 307
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Quote (Stacy)
Кто может снять скан страницы и выложить сюда

Не совсем скан. Я воспользовалась ссылкой, которую дала december.
Вот обложка:

А вот, собственно, "сандвич доктора Хауса":

I LOVE PEOPLE © Hugh Laurie

You, people, make me sick! © Home improvement

StacyДата: Понедельник, 17.05.2010, 22:54 | Сообщение # 308
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видать, сам-то журнал делали правильные люди,
(я полистала в магазине у стойки нахаляву),
а сайт - уже неправильные:
срезали копирайт Грегушки гурмана нашего! angry
Кому нужен банальный сандвич незнамо от кого? pinch

Апдейт: вгляделась и аж похолодела... сандвич-то не хаусовский, а чекистский! для холодного ума и горячего сердца... чистые руки опционально fear

Сообщение отредактировал Stacy - Понедельник, 17.05.2010, 22:58
GavyaДата: Суббота, 05.06.2010, 12:25 | Сообщение # 309
Мед. брат/сестра
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В журнале Кино парк (№ 3-4 2010 г.) опубликован материал "12 самых эффектных бромансов в истории кино" (House+Wilson сред них)
aleksa_castleДата: Четверг, 01.07.2010, 20:57 | Сообщение # 310
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Ушла в себя и заблудилась (с)
АвгустаДата: Пятница, 01.10.2010, 15:38 | Сообщение # 311
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TV Guide (UK magazine) 2-8 okt. 2010

Человек на букву "Л" ©

Сообщение отредактировал Августа - Пятница, 01.10.2010, 17:35
fistashkaДата: Суббота, 02.10.2010, 04:43 | Сообщение # 312
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Испанский журнал SUPERTELE, 2 октября 2010, спойлеры

Английский транскрипт некоторых цитат:

"House's desperate to find things they can enjoy together and forgets that Cuddy just finished her relationship with Lucas. He's harsh(?) and demanding with her. Actually he's afraid of happiness, he thinks you have to build it and doesn't realize it's already in them." -- Lisa

"In this case he acts like he had to solve a rational problem. He gives everything, even if it's a torment." -- Hugh

"There will be issues related to age(?), work, the fact she's a mother..." -- Katie Jacobs

"House and Cuddy are scared. He feels like he's learning to walk. (...) They want this to last, but they're trying to hard. (...) If this doesn't work, he won't try it again." -- Hugh


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
fistashkaДата: Суббота, 02.10.2010, 05:12 | Сообщение # 313
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Самые большие сканы TVGuide, 28 сентября 2010


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
fistashkaДата: Понедельник, 04.10.2010, 14:24 | Сообщение # 314
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Quote (fistashka)
Испанский журнал SUPERTELE, 2 октября 2010

Полный английский транскрипт:

Cover Magazine

House and Cuddy ends in bed
“We are scared to death”


Bed photograph

“House” came back with more bed troubles than O.R on the seventh season.


James Wilson – R.S. Leonard. The loyalty House’s friend goes on with his ex-wife-
Eric Foreman - Omar Epps. Regrets Thirteen’s departure.
Chris Taub – Peter Jacobson. Doesn’t agree that House and Cuddy are together.
Gregory House – Hugh Laurie. His face gave him away: he’s in love like a child.
Lisa Cuddy – Lisa Edelstein. Much more sexier, bet for his love life.
Thirteen Hadley – Olivia Wilde. She moves away for a while and the reason will be a mistery.
Robert Chase – Jesse Spencer. Will have a new partner and lover.

Page 11


“This time it’s true”. In the first episode, House celebrates his happiness. His sexual encounter with Cuddy won’t be a vicodin’s effect anymore. After her love’s declaration, he prepares an unforgettable journey, just the two of them, locked and far away from hospital hurry…
There will be time for passion, laughs and doubts as well. “It’s gonna be great”, she says. ‘Huddy’ (House+Cuddy) its already a reality.

“Right now we are more important than what’s going on at the hospital”. Yes, the one talking like that is House (Hugh Laurie) and he’s doing it still under the effect of the narcotics from Cuddy’s confession (Lisa Edelstein) that ended season six.
The seventh season starts in that same moment. The Princeton-Plainsboro dean of medicine has given in to House just when he has hit bottom again. And that final kiss, that moved Huddy’s fans –like they call it the couple-end it with many years of sexual tension.
“So, now what?”. The answer to this question not only asked by the doctor, but also by the fans, and that also serves as a name for the first episode, won’t be coming late. After the USA premier FOX will offer the first chapter on V.O.S on Friday, October 10 and since Friday 26 in dubbed version. Furthermore, very soon you will be able to watch it on Channel CUATRO. From this moment we will know how “this beginning of something” will be portrayed as Cuddy’s define it.
House changes and plays with Cuddy at being a loving and naughty kid. He also has a cure for all those past wounds: being alone just the two of them a whole day, far away from the operating room and the hurry of the diagnosis.

A Lot of Sex
The doctor gives all his self to please her. Sex, breakfast at bed, more sex and a magical baths… For the first time words don’t matter: “Don’t analyze things to death” Cuddy said. This it’s the first sign of everything going well…
And he takes her thru the memories and places that mean something to both of them. Even though she has one doubt: “Why didn’t you tell me you loved me?”. And the vertigo begins. “House and Cuddy” are scared to death. He feels like a baby who’s starting to walk” Laurie says.

The first setback he’ll have is when he tries to convince Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) that now they are “Cuddy and I”. They aren’t sure to make their relationship public.
Immediately they are stricken by the memories and House gives up “to the horrible things he has done to his boss and he isn’t sure if he can change at all”. Even though she comes to rescue him: “I know you are always gonna be screwed up. But you're the most incredible man I've ever known.”

The beginnings of their history are worthy from a romantic comedy. They don’t go out from their safe place until the second episode, which is when reality imposes. She comes back to his boss position, and he, to his medical diagnosis. Will they assume those roles like they’ve done it before?.
“It’s not that their relationship will work or fail in just one episode. This is something real and they must try. We’re going to attempt to make a true exploration of this relationship throughout the season. Up to this point they’ve fallen apart because it was dangerous and they were afraid of the consequences. But this time they’re gonna try”, says Katie Jacobs, series producer.
Lisa Edelstein, whom now can finally brag about her “very smart sexy boyfriend”, is optimistic. “They’ll have some problems, but it’s gonna be ok for a while. There has always been chemistry and this was a logical step. Both need what they’ve never had: love”.

At work, however, nothing changes: she is who tells what to do and will keep refusing to his unique procedures. Concerning to the family he must get used to the idea that she is mother of a baby and to him “children are like aliens”.
“We both want this relationship to last, but we are too involved in how to get it. If we get the right how to, we’ll keep up; if we get it wrong, we won’t. Tough something’s gonna happen, at last”, Hugh says, who is afraid of House getting hurt: “If this fails he’s not gonna try again”.

Page 12
At the moment, they’ll act like any other couple: enjoy friends, in this case, Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) and Sam (Cynthia Watros), although, for a change, they won’t escape from some tensions.
“House will be desperate to find new things to have fun together and forgets that Cuddy just ended up her relationship with Lucas [Michael Weston]. He shows himself hard and demanding with her but actually he’s afraid to the happiness, he thinks happiness is built and doesn’t realize he is already immersed in it”. Lisa Edelstein explains.
House has become in a exception between the many shows that feed eternally the unrecognized attraction between their main characters, like Bones, Castle or The mentalist. Is it possible that a relationship between two people who know each other so well really works?

“Nobody thinks we’ll find the stability…This relationship is like a sentence! The commitment which was at times unbelievable now is total and genuine. He is a brilliant man, that fights against all kind of illnesses and, in this case acts like he has to resolve a scientific problem. He gives everything, even if is a torment, says Laurie.
In this way, every day together is a new obstacle. “It’s not an easy situation to solve and we’ve got to play with that. Nor give it less attention or close it in the third episode. Their relationship is part of the series. There will be problems about age, Cuddy’s motherhood, work…” Jacob says.
In real life, Hug Laurie doesn’t live such lucky situation. Being one of the best paid actors in television (273.000 euros per episode) doesn’t compensate. It’s been six years since he works in Los Angeles, but his wife and his two teenagers children live in London: “To be this show hasn’t made my marriage easier, it is like I joined the navy”. All of this not taken into account the leg pain he suffers as results of simulate his character’s limp.
Maybe the current House state of happiness will be a relief for the actors sadness, House is totally surrendered to Cuddy. “He just needed a little preparation. He really loves his boss and has to be able to keep her by his side”, Lisa insists.
And how will the rest of their workmates at the Princeton.Plainsboro gonna take the relationship? “Chase [Jesse Spencer] will be in favor; Taub [Peter Jacobson], is indignant, and Foreman [Omar Epps] will be indifferent” Jacobs reveals.
They are more affected by Thirteen leaving (Olivia Wilde). The reason is a mystery for everyone: “It will be surprising and juicy, and has a lot to do with thirteen’s presonality”, the series creator gives clues. This temporary absence could be related with the Huntington disease she suffers. In reality, the actress is filming “Cowboys & Aliens” with Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig.
The doctor will be looking for a covering doctor, which will turn out to be an insolent student played by Amber Tamblyn (General Hospital, Joan of Arcadia). And it is announced that Cameron returns (Jennifer Morrison). Will Laurie count with her again in the episode he’ll direct?

Maria José Andrés.

Lisa won’t be the only woman who fascinates House. He’ll meet his mother-in-law! His mother’s partner is the veteran actress Candice Bergen (Boston Legal). Is in the arrogant doctor plans to become into a model son-in-law?
And between his patients, in the third episode, he receives Amy Irving (Steven Spielberg’s ex-wife), a young adults writer whom he admires and that attempted suicide.
Besides, the following weeks, he will have to cope with his new assistant (Amber Tamblyn), Alison Stoner (Camp Rock) and Jennifer Grey (Dirty Dancing) who’ll participate as patients.

Candice Bergen, the unforgettable Murphy Brown, will become the demanding House’s mother in law; she has previously appeared in Boston Legal.


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
АвгустаДата: Четверг, 28.10.2010, 19:33 | Сообщение # 315
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Irish magazine, oct.2010

Seriesmag, oct. 2010

если я правильно поняла, это просто перевод интервью из TV Guide

Человек на букву "Л" ©

Сообщение отредактировал Августа - Четверг, 28.10.2010, 19:50

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