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Питер Джейкобсон (доктор Тауб)
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Ginger82 | Дата: Вторник, 26.01.2016, 00:52 | Сообщение # 166 |
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| Длиннющее интервью Питера по случаю его нового шоу Colony - об основных вехах его карьеры. Peter Jacobson on Colony, House, and working with remarkably few assholes
Приведу довольно внушительный отрывок о "Хаусе" (я прям прослезился ) AVC: When you first turned up on House, it was when House was holding a competition to select his new team. Did you know all along that Taub was going to end up on the team?
PJ: No, that was a really bizarro beginning for all of that group, that new team. The way it was pitched to me was that we’d sign up for nine episodes, five of us, with an option for pickup as a regular. So there was me and Kal [Penn], Olivia [Wilde], Annie [Dudek], and Edi [Gathegi], and the five of us knew that we would go down to the wire, and when they started getting to the point where one of us in the final five was going to go, we didn’t really know what was happening before that next script would come out. And sure enough, we started going one by one. First Edi, then Annie left, and then I was lucky enough to be picked to stay on.
But it was a weird experience, because as my wife said when I explained to her the gig was essentially like an audition for nine episodes—because it really was: they were checking out who they wanted to keep on the show—she said, “You’re just nuts, given your own self-inducing anxiety about being liked and being good. You’re fucking crazy to take that!” [Laughs.] “Because that’s just your worst nightmare, every day: ‘Am I going to get fired?’” But it turned out interestingly and went the total opposite direction: we all bonded so much more, I think, because of it. It was such a uniquely weird experience to know that we were there, but we weren’t there… We really had a blast in this weird “what are we doing?” season, and then that turned into a five-year life-altering gig. These are really good people who I’m close with, and it was really neat, but a weird way to start.
AVC: When you found out that they were going to be doing a story about Taub’s marital infidelity, did you go to your wife and warn her? “Now, honey, there’s going to be some stuff going on, so I want you to prepare yourself…”
PJ: [Laughs.] “It’s fiction, honey!” No, I don’t know what was going on, if the writers were vicariously working out issues through me or what. But, no, it’s all in a day’s work. But people would stop me in the street—my demographic tends to be the elderly Jewish women from Miami; I think they tend to fancy me as someone that would’ve been good with their daughter or something—and a lot of them will do the wrist-slapping thing. “Oh, you’re a terrible man! Just terrible!” And I’m, like, “Well, it’s just a show. I’m just playing a character.” But my wife didn’t watch House because she found it to be a little bit disturbing medically, so I was able to keep it from her.
AVC: How did you feel about the plotline surrounding the suicide of Kutner, Kal Penn’s character?
PJ: Well, we knew Kal was leaving, because he was going on to literally bigger and better things. I was very sad for him to go, because we were really close, and it’s hard to lose your pal. We had so much fun, and we were laughing so hard for so many episodes. So it was just a question of how Kutner was going to go, and I thought it turned out great, ultimately.
In a show like House, there’s a wonderful thing that happens: it’s a hugely popular show, and when it’s about medicine and we’re pulling up different random and some very rare, unheard-of diseases—and some not so rare—every week, and millions of people are watching. It’s amazing the attention it gets, and there’s a responsibility there. There are diseases and organizations that try to raise money for these diseases that get very little attention because they aren’t as sexy as others, or just because nobody really knows about them. But if you do an episode about something like transverse myelitis, it’s a real disease that’s out there, there are a lot of people that have it, and it’s hard to get funding for them because people don’t know about it. There are actually a lot of doctors that don’t know about it. But if you do an episode of House, all of a sudden 15 million people are hearing the words, and it’s an opportunity.
I’m preambling this because, while suicide is obviously not a disease, there was a whole thing around the time of that episode where we were being approached by different medical organizations or mental health organizations, and it began a conversation in the House zone which, frankly, was a big zone. There’s a lot of social media, and those fans loved that show, and if there’s a way to get that word out that it’s okay to talk about mental illness, that’s an amazing platform to have. And that began to happen a bit around that episode. In fact, if you recall, they even put a little card at the end of that episode: “If you know somebody who’s suffering, don’t be afraid to talk about it.” So I thought that was an amazing and wonderful thing that came from that episode.
Acting the episode… To me, that’s probably still the most satisfying episode that I ever got to play as an actor. Because Kal and I had a relationship off-screen and we’re really close, and I think that Kutner and Taub had a lot of fun with each other onscreen, so what they gave me in that episode was that Taub really couldn’t deal with it. So when everyone else is mourning Kutner’s suicide and death, I’m the one who’s dealing with the case, and to me, that’s the greatest thing to play as an actor: when you’ve got so much extreme emotion boiling underneath, and yet they’ve given you a lid, and you have to keep it on. That’s a great challenge and a wonderful thing to play. It was very draining emotionally, but it was very satisfying, because there are the moments where you let things peek through, and—it was just a very intense episode and probably my favorite one. Funny you should mention it! [Laughs.]
AVC: As House wrapped up, did you feel like it was time to go, or could you have seen it going on?
PJ: You know, we still always had solid numbers, but in our heyday it was up to, like, 15 or 16 million, and then by the eighth season we were getting, like, 7 or 8 million. And that wasn’t the reason it left—I think there were a lot of complicated reasons—but one of the things that people talked about was, “Well, the numbers weren’t as good as they were.” If we took our numbers from four years ago on House and gave them to any show today… [Laughs.] That show would be a colossal hit! The landscape has changed so drastically, and it’s so funny to me: there’s so much more out there, and the audiences are so dispersed. It really points out to me just how special that time was and that show was.
That being said, I think everybody was tired. And the show had certainly—I wouldn’t say it had run its course, because I think there always could’ve been more, but I think there was a certain feeling that people felt sated, and I don’t think anybody that I spoke to on or around the show said, “Oh, my God, I can’t believe it! That’s a shocker! No, no, no!” So there was a certain readiness and preparedness. But then again, I think we all could’ve done one or two more seasons as well, because the writers were amazing, they were always able to come up with new stuff, and these characters were so well-drawn and so part of us that you never want it to go away. I could’ve played Taub forever.
Why things get canceled or not is so unbelievably out of actors’ hands that it’s one of those things where you’ve just got to ride with it. And I was also commuting; I lived in New York, and I was the guy who was flying home almost every week, so there was a physical exhaustion and an emotional exhaustion for me, and a need to be home more. So that part felt okay about stopping. I was definitely ready for that. My family was ready for that. But you never get tired of making money, and you never get tired of a great acting gig, a same role that you can play for years, with wonderful writing and wonderful actors. I don’t know that I’ll ever get that again. So I’ll always miss that, and I’ll always long for it. I’d jump back into it in a second if they started it back up. I’m not an idiot. That was a great fucking gig. I’ll never see that thing again. I mean, come on.
Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
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gallina | Дата: Вторник, 10.05.2016, 20:08 | Сообщение # 167 |
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Ginger82 | Дата: Вторник, 10.05.2016, 20:55 | Сообщение # 168 |
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Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
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Shady_Lady | Дата: Среда, 08.02.2017, 19:37 | Сообщение # 169 |
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