Из твитера Дорис: "Working out Ep 1. Expect evil twins, locked-room murders, & a seal named Jeremiah. He was a bullfrog before the surgery". «Распознаю “своих” по сиянию глаз, по невзначай сказанному слову, даже жесту – и плевать я хотел, как давно мы знакомы» (с) Макс Фрай
Святая Дорис написала в ЖЖ, что в след.сезоне будет меньше писать для "Хауса" и намерена заняться личными проектами. Многабукофф
В посте есть ссылка на ее фотоальбом на фликре. Там много красивых фотографий с ее зимней поездки в Россию, некоторые из которых она постила в твиттере.
Прикольная личная фотка
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
Сообщение отредактировал fistashka - Среда, 12.05.2010, 10:36
прочитав полностью, я вообще в полном расстройстве и как мне не хотелось верить, но похоже сериал переходит из разряда интеллектуальных, а разряд клипового мыла
Cause we were never being boring, We were never being bored
Не знаю, хорошая это новость или плохая, но в грядущем сезоне Дэвид Шор по-прежнему будет отдавать Хаузу все свое время, так как боссы NBC не впечатлились пилотом 'Rockford Files' , к которому Шор писал сценарий. Пока проект остановлен, хотя еще возможны изменения. http://www.deadline.com/2010....twitter
Интервью с ним о технических особенностях съемок финала
An entire episode of a prime-time TV show will air Monday night -- produced on a digital camera and memory card.
The season finale of Fox's House, airing Monday at 8 p.m. ET/PT, was made on the Canon 5D Mark II, the $2,500 SLR that was originally intended as a still camera that happened to also shoot cool video. That is, until filmmakers discovered just how awesome the video looked -- and the camera took on a life of its own.
The 5D and less expensive $1,800 Canon 7D were used for the opening credits for NBC's Saturday Night Live and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
For House director of photography Gale Tattersall, this meant retiring the 35mm film Arriflex cameras (most hour dramas still use film.) and switching to digital. He initially latched onto the 5D as an experiment in a recent episode that had a short scene with newborn babies. Tattersall figured it would be less obtrusive to shoot them with two small 5Ds rather than the huge film cameras.
The footage "looked absolutely stunning," he says. Filmmakers love shooting video on the 5D because the 22-megapixel sensor is so much larger than found on most video cameras, and it produces shallow depth of field (backgrounds out of focus).
CAPTIONBy Brian Valente He says the results he got from the 5D would be "completely unavailable to me on any film system." So he convinced the producers to do an entire episode, using 3 5Ds and a host of Canon lenses: 14mm, 20mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, the 70-200mm and 24-70mm zooms. (They didn't have to go out and buy the lenses--Canon loaned them to the producers). For memory cards, he opted for eight 8 GB compact flash cards to shoot the scenes. He opted for smaller capacity cards, because the scenes were short, and he didn't need to fit more data on a bigger, say, 16 GB or 32 GB card.
The 5D white balance was set to the 3200 kelvin temperature, and to help with focus and steady the camera, he used rigs from Red Rock Micro that help turn the 5D into more of a motion picture camera.
The 5Ds get great results in low light, allowing the photographer to shoot at high ISOs. Tattersal says he was at 640 ISO for most of the scenes, which take place in an abanonded building. "It was like having 50 film stocks in your back pocket at the switch of a dial," he says. "You control the depth of field by wheeling the ISO around."
As for the future, he'd be open to working with the 5D on every episode, but he's not so sure it will happen. "You choose the camera system for the story, and this one worked out perfectley," he says. "You capture a lot more depth in film. This will just become part of our arsenal."
We met the Greek-American director at his office on the Fox studio lot. We felt right at home in the “House” themed office. Greg Yaitanes has been called a TV mastermind, and currently is the producing director of House MD, the most popular TV show in the United States.
Greg, one of the most wanted TV directors with a list of credits including most hit TV shows, talked to us about working on House and the next season, his Greek heritage, Reality vs. Hollywood , and if one day he would like to direct for the big screen.
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