freckle60, Аня и еще не помню какой это сезон там где негр оказался парализован и только мог глазами говорить этот потрясающий момент: если она обернется, значит любит его. Обязательно именно сохранив звук.
Добавлено (28.11.2011, 20:56) --------------------------------------------- Вот оно, вот оно!!! Аня утаскивай это
Celebs like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga may get thousands of adoring followers on Twitter, but the men and women who run television shows find the fan accessibility a bit tougher to manage. Suddenly, the viewers who would yell at the TV screen can log on to Twitter and send angry messages to the writers. So when Monday’s episode of House concluded — and if you haven’t seen it, don’t read on! — showrunner Greg Yaitanes knew he was in for a beating.
“Bombshells” ended with House and Cuddy breaking off their relationship after realizing that House couldn’t be the supportive boyfriend Cuddy needed, plus the added knowledge that he was still sneaking Vicodin despite seeming totally clean since last season. “Huddy” fans were, understandably, devastated by the break-up of a relationship that took six season to actually happen. But when they began asking Yaitanes — who has always made an effort to interact with fans and feed them clues — they grew angry at his glib responses.
Relishing today’s hate mail from #Huddy shippers, he wrote yesterday. It’s exciting to be part of something that has evoked such a strong reaction. #RIPhuddy
He fielded questions about whether this were another of the show’s famous cop-outs (no), if House and Cuddy would get back together (no) — and teasing out hints for the season finale. And when fans’ reactions grew angrier, he seemed to enjoy it even more, deflecting their barbs. Some people tried to threaten him, saying that Huddy ‘shippers (the word for anyone who writes fan fiction, makes fan art, or just obsesses over a pairing) would abandon the show, but he pointed out that though powerful, that contingent is just a small part of the House fandom. One fan, exasperated with his cheeriness, wrote, No we will no get happy. You’re such a masochist. You love all the hate you get. Yaitanes responded, i enjoy it all.
This exchange gives you a good idea of the dynamic going on:
и дальше там скринсэйверы твитов. Супер!
Добавлено (28.11.2011, 21:08) --------------------------------------------- а вот это из интервью ГЯ перед финалом
And while Yaitanes told us there were no plans to revisit the romance, he added: “I think although they care, they haven’t dealt with it. The lack of closure is still very much in the air and the lack of closure is gonna be the engine to the very, very conclusion of the final episode.” And about that cliffhanger: “No one will see it coming.”
"I think House is taking all the decisions in her own life personally." "It's very hard to watch two people that you think should just get together not get together. It's very painful because you get attached to an idea. But I don't think the exploration of House and Cuddy is over by any stretch of the imagination. I just think she could not go further with him until she tried something else. There's no way. She has to try to live the life that she thinks is the more correct way of doing this. This is the woman who is very responsible. Until she's done going in that direction, which I don't know when that will be, she's got to do what she's got to do." Would you like to see House and Cuddy get together before end of the series, or do you think that would ruin things? Edelstein: I do think they need to do something about it. And I would trust David Shore to never make it actually work. [Laughs] It has to be tortured and painful. I mean, these are not happy people. If they suddenly became happy, the dynamics of the show would change. Would I like to see something go on? Yeah. But how will it happen, I have no idea. House's Lisa Edelstein: The Exploration of House and Cuddy Isn't Over. May 16, 2010 там все интервью такое, но я выбрала то что больше всего зацепило вот в переводе
Хью: Хаус убеждает себя в том, что счастье - это то, что собирается по кусочкам, из таких вот мелочей вроде этого. На самом деле, (уверен, я не первый, кто заметил это) счастье в нас самих. Лиза: Здорово наконец-то вступить в отношения, когда ты их так долго ждал и искал и... все испортить! видеорепортаж со съемок 7-го сезона
Laurie: Well, between House and Cuddy, House is the one who has a lot further to fall if this falls apart. He’s not been in the business of romance for some time, and therefore this feels like a bigger risk for him. Edelstein: In a way, this is as epic a journey for House as it was for him to get sober or explore one drug over another. It’s a time for both characters that’s fraught with danger and full of dramatic opportunities. Последнее танго в Принстоне. Интервью для журнала ТВ Гид. Октябрь, 2010 Только утратив всё до конца, мы обретаем свободу. (с) за аватар спасибо MargoLive ^^
А с музыкой определились?у меня может бредовая идея,но хочется ,чтоб за кадром звучали песни Хью)) как вам?..представляете Лори поёт о любви,а в кадре Хаус с Лисой занимаются.. да всем,чем угодно-ссорятся,мирятся,лечат,и конечно,любят друг друга)))
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