Спойлер (от англ. spoil — портить) — в кино, компьютерных играх, литературе — преждевременно раскрытая важная информация, которая портит впечатление от игры/книги/фильма и разрушает их интригу, а также лишает читателя некоторой части удовольствия от сюжета. Также, реже, — лицо, которое эту информацию преждевременно раскрыло. (Wikipedia) ВНИМАНИЕ!
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Do you have any idea what ‘House’ has planned for its season finale? – Andrea According to Fox, the episode titled “Help Me” will send Team House outside the hospital to join forces with a search-and-rescue team at the scene of an emergency. And in this tech-heavy interview about the new camera used to shoot the finale, director Greg Yaitenes promises to deliver “beyond a cinematic look” and many a tense scene crammed into a compact space.
Оззи в туманных выражениях обещает в финале Хадди-сцену. По словам Кейти Джейкобс, в последенм эпизоде, произойдет некое чрезвычайное событие за пределами Принстон Плейсборо, и все врачи в округе получат автоматический вызов. Мы увидим Хауза-героя, и без Кадди тут не обойдется.
небольшое интервью с Sarah Wayne Callies, которая играет пациентку в 6х19
This week on Fox’s ‘House’ (Mondays at 8/7c), ‘Prison Break’ alumna Sarah Wayne Callies plays the patient of the week, a beautiful woman who just so happens to be in an open marriage. As such, House – and members of his team – take a particular interest in this otherwise seemingly so-so medical case. Callies told us more about her ‘House’ visit, as well as reflected on ‘Prison Break’s bittersweet ending… and the chance of an unlikely reunion movie.
What can you tell us about the character you’re playing on ‘House’? What interests me about her is that she is somebody who’s made some very unconventional life decisions, but she’s otherwise a very conventional person.
What symptoms does she arrive with? Stomach pain – not your typically House-worthy type of complaint! The patient is actually more interesting than the ailment, which isn’t always the case on House.
Who takes most the interest in your character? Different characters take interest for different reasons. The situation of her being in an open marriage is something that everyone responds to based on their own prejudices, insecurities, beliefs, desires, etcetera. She’s holding up a bit of a mirror. The people it lands the most on are probably Taub, and House. And Thirteen
Does House judge her? That is what he tends to do, but no, he is excitedly open-minded about it, and talks about wanting to “find the unicorn.” Whether or not he’ll be persuaded [that such a "unicorn" exists] is the story of the episode.
You look convincingly worse for the wear in the scene shots. Is it harder being made up to look bad versus good? It’s not easy to be sitting there looking like you’re on death’s door looking up at Olivia Wilde, who always looks phenomenal and perfect. Thank goodness she’s such a nice person, or it would have been insufferable!
Battlestar Galactica did it. Desperate Housewives did it. And now yet another popular show is considering utilizing the increasingly-familiar plot device known as the time warp and fast-forwarding all of its stories! Which one? I’d love to tell you, but this is a blind item. So all you’ll get out of me are the following clues:
1. If it happens, the time shift will occur between this season’s finale and next season’s premiere.
2. If it happens, it’ll be because, I’m told, the network wanted to shake up the show and its characters, opening doors to new stories and closing doors on old ones.
3. If it happens… I’ll (hopefully) be telling you about it in the next few weeks.
Sorry, that’s all you get. Well, that, and the chance to speculate below. What still-popular program needs the kinda shot in the arm that only being shot forward in time could provide? Hmm…
Я не знаю, куда это приткнуть, уважаемые модераторы, перенесите, если не по теме, ладно? "Тв гид" выложил обещанный обзор квартиры Уилсона. Милейшее получилось гнездышко, в самом- то деле. И присутствует каминная, которой мы вроде бы не видели. Уютнейшее местечко с кожаными креслами и пледом =)
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