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Омар Эппс
Ginger82Дата: Четверг, 29.09.2011, 09:27 | Сообщение # 346
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House M.D. - The Faces Of FOX Photoshoot

Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
fistashkaДата: Вторник, 11.10.2011, 12:58 | Сообщение # 347
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Интервью TVGuid'у

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
fistashkaДата: Вторник, 11.10.2011, 13:08 | Сообщение # 348
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Интервью TVLine'у

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
gallinaДата: Четверг, 19.01.2012, 21:51 | Сообщение # 349
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Омар номинирован на премию NAACP Image Award как "Выдающийся актер второго плана" (Outstanding Supporting Actor) в телевизионным драматическом сериале.

NAACP - Национальная ассоциация содействия прогрессу цветного населения (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People или сокращенно)


I LOVE PEOPLE © Hugh Laurie

You, people, make me sick! © Home improvement

Сообщение отредактировал gallina - Четверг, 19.01.2012, 21:54
EllyДата: Пятница, 10.02.2012, 12:04 | Сообщение # 350
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SAG photoshoot:

Чейзоискатель, она же Чейзоследопыт, она же Чейзоснабжатель. © Angel_K & Ember
Blanche128Дата: Пятница, 10.02.2012, 12:52 | Сообщение # 351
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Последняя фотка интересная... Открытость, игривость и какое-то безраздельное веселье happy

We are the Huddy. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Banner made by MargoLive!!!
АвгустаДата: Понедельник, 19.03.2012, 23:12 | Сообщение # 352
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Universal TV, 2004 - 2005

Человек на букву "Л" ©
Ginger82Дата: Вторник, 20.03.2012, 21:07 | Сообщение # 353
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Интервью с Омаром:
House star's medical confession

He might have played a doctor on both ER and House, but there's a good reason why Omar Epps won't be joining the medical profession any time soon.

"I faint at the sight of the blood," the 38-year-old actor admits over the phone from the House set in Los Angeles, where he plays neurologist Dr Eric Foreman for the eighth and final year.

The studio announced last month that this will be the series' last season.

"A lot of what happens on our show is about the cerebral rather than the technical aspects of medicine – dealing with morality and ethics. That's fortunate because having talked to those in the medical world, I think it takes a certain kind of person to work there and I'm not one of them."

And even if he did have any delusions of grandeur or a higher calling, his friends and family have been quick to point out that he's "not a doctor; you just play one on TV".

Epps says if anything the show has made him into a germophobe.

"I wouldn't say I'm paranoid but it has made me a lot more attentive to those things."

Shooting the show takes up a big chunk of Epps's year ("on days off I go to my doctor"), with each episode taking eight or nine 12 to 15-hour days. "Sometimes we even end up filming three different episodes in one day."

If they're lucky, the actors get the scripts two to three days before shooting, time which is vital, says Epps. "With the medical terms, we need to understand what we're saying, why we're saying it and how it relates to what we're about to say. If we didn't, we might as well be speaking Swahili."

As for the diagnosis of lupus that crops up many weeks, he says it reflected the reality of the disease. Lupus has many symptoms, which made it popular with the show's writers.

It became a bit of a joke because lupus was never the final diagnosis, he says, "but then the writers threw us some curveballs by actually having some patients with it".

"I think they just went and had fun with it."

Asked what he thinks is the key to the success of the show, Epps says that if he had that answer he would "bottle it and be a gazillionaire".

"We had a great script initially, a great crew that came together, great producers, a good cast and the X factor of timing. It is a good show but we're just lucky that people responded."

And is lead actor Hugh Laurie like his sociopathic genius alter-ego? "They are two different people," says Epps. "He is similar in terms of his talent but Hugh is a very charming, nice man."

Having been more of a fly-on- the-wall around the production in the past couple of years, Epps says he would love to direct an episode. In the meantime, he's more than happy being the show's "voice of reason". "That's, of course, relative to the insanity the characters find themselves in. And, of course, House is going to push Foreman as far as he can – probably more so in this new season."

Epps says the fallout from last season's "out there" and "drastic" ending – when House put his car through former partner Cuddy's (Lisa Edelstein) home – dominates much of this year's action. "We catch up with things pretty much a year removed from that and now he's picking up the pieces – trying to mend his friendship with Wilson [Robert Sean Leonard] and seeing if he can get the team back together under Cuddy's replacement."

With the show now in its final season, Epps hopes there will be a natural endpoint. "I'd like to go out on top and I think the show is owed a proper ending, but who knows how that would happen – that's entirely up to [creator and executive producer] David Shore."

Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
Ginger82Дата: Вторник, 03.04.2012, 22:54 | Сообщение # 354
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Omar Epps To Star In And Produce ‘Between Us’

Omar Epps wrote the romantic comedy under his production banner BrooklynWorks Films and will star and produce with Tracey Edmonds of Our Stories Films. He told Deadline the finished script is about two best friends “looking for love in the wrong places with a contemporary twist.” Between Us is being financed by Bryan “Baby” Williams and Ronald “Slim” Williams, CEOs of the YMCMB record label, whose roster includes Lil Wayne, Drake and Nicki Minaj. Epps said the pairing with YMCMB came because they’re looking to expand their brand. “They loved the concept and in a perfect world, we’ll be shooting late summer or early fall, but you know how that goes.” A search for a director is currently underway. Epps is also developing several television projects including Southern Gothic, a one-hour drama written by Michael Nourse. E1 is financing and Alfre Woodard is attached to produce with Epps. BrooklynWorks recently completed the low-budget fantasy musical You, Me & The Circus starring Anita Breim and Matt Dallas. Epps produced and financed the film directed by Ty Hodges and GoDigital will release it this summer. Epps also recently sold travel show Mile High starring David Arquette and Mike McGuiness to the Travel Channel. That project is being executive produced by Epps, Arquette, McGuiness, and Courteney Cox.

Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
Ginger82Дата: Суббота, 21.04.2012, 08:15 | Сообщение # 355
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House Wrap Party


Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
fistashkaДата: Воскресенье, 29.04.2012, 18:09 | Сообщение # 356
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Brooklyn's Own say.ly/eVC3bU7

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
EllyДата: Среда, 02.05.2012, 15:05 | Сообщение # 357
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Совсем я про Омарку забыла, исправляюсь tongue
The Cash Money Content Book Release Party For 'An XL Life: Staying Big At Half The Size' (10.01)

Los Angeles premiere of Sony Pictures Classics' 'The Raid: Redemption' (16.03)

Creative Coalition Celebrates Leading Women In Media hosted by The Creative Coalition with Lanmark Technology, Inc. and ELLE (26.04)

Google & Hollywood Reporter Host an Evening Celebrating The White House Correspondents' Weekend (27.04)

Capitol File's 7th Annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner After Party (29.04)

И старые фотки:

Чейзоискатель, она же Чейзоследопыт, она же Чейзоснабжатель. © Angel_K & Ember
fistashkaДата: Пятница, 11.05.2012, 08:55 | Сообщение # 358
Дальневосточный Эдельштейнофил
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Омарчик с женой сова в Израиле

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ;)
АвгустаДата: Пятница, 25.05.2012, 07:58 | Сообщение # 359
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Омар и актеры других популярных американских сериалов в Израиле

Человек на букву "Л" ©

Сообщение отредактировал Августа - Пятница, 25.05.2012, 08:01
maiden_marinaДата: Пятница, 20.07.2012, 21:02 | Сообщение # 360
Добрый Хирург
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У Омара Эппса сегодня ДР - исполняется 39 лет.

У него на сайте симпатичная фотосессия, не помню, была тут уже или нет:

спасибо за аватарку - fistashka!

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