В этой теме выкладываем видеоклипы или ссылки на скачку видеофайлов, связанных с сериалом. Это могут быть рекламные ролики, интервью с актерами, дополнительные материалы по сериям, вырезанные сцены из сериала и т.д.
В ролике показано то, что имеет наибольшее значение в сериале! Ни отнять, ни прибавить!
Quote (yahnis)
вау!!! Как приятно, что для 25 годовщины Фокс, представляя сериал "Хауз" выбрал именно хадди моменты и в кадре только Хью Лори и Лиза Эдельштейн. Видимо они понимают, что именно это наиболее привлечет зрителя.
Немного другая версия видео от Reuters (credit MaryKir's HL Archive) с тем же интервью
"House" gets a red carpet send off. The cast and crew of the popular American TV series about a surly but well-meaning medical doctor celebrated its successful 8-season run. The show's star, British actor Hugh Laurie, had no idea the show would be such a hit. SOUNDBITE: Hugh Laurie, actor, saying (English): "I often remark that the first season we did the show, I literally did not unpack my suitcase. I thought that any day, the phone would ring and I'd be on a plane back to England. I cannot believe that eight years have gone by, it's sort of an amazing thing." For Laurie's co-stars, there were mixed feelings about the show's long run. Robert Sean Leonard, who has played Dr. James Wilson since the series began, says he will not miss the early mornings. SOUNDBITE: Robert Sean Leonard, actor, saying (English): "You know, I do get up at four in the morning and drive to work and work til nighttime, and the hours are long, and it's, I won't miss it. But I'm glad I did it, and I'm proud of it, but eight years is a long time, and I think it's time." So what's next for Laurie? He plans to stay busy as a member of the Band From TV, a charity cover band made up of television actors. SOUNDBITE: Hugh Laurie, actor, saying (English): "I have plans to stay busy, I'll be touring with a band, and we'll be playing some shows around the world, a lot of shows actually, and I'm really looking forward to that." The series finale of "House" will air May 21 on Fox. Alicia Powell, Reuters.
Reuters video on the House party with Hugh/RSL
------ House M.D. - Series Wrap Party - Inside Hollywood
Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
Сообщение отредактировал Ginger82 - Вторник, 24.04.2012, 03:47
Еще одно видео: E! video from the House wrap party red carpet. Didn't hear any spoilers, but the interviewer is hard to hear credit MaryKir's HL Archive
Robert Sean Leonard - he's a man I would put my life in his hands, and almost have on occasion (с) H. Laurie
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