From Entertainment Weekly (with Cumberbatch on the cover), scan from @zoshjo on twitter: 

From the moment John le Carre’s The Night Manager was published in 1993, producers have tried to bring the spy master’s tale about arms dealing to the big screen. But a film never materialized, and for good reason: time constraints. “This is a fabulous book,” says le Carre’s son, Night Manager exec producer Simon Cornwell. “It’s got a vast scope to it. It just doesn’t fit into two hours.” The story is finally getting what it deserves as a six-episode miniseries, starring Tom Hiddleston as MI-6 field agent Jonathan Pine and Hugh Laurie as Richard Roper, a morally ambiguous weapons dealer whom Pine is tasked with bringing down.

“The best way I can describe the story is the thriller equivalent of a bromance.” says exec producer Stephen Garrett. That isn’t to say that The Night Manager is female-free - updating the story for 2016, the producers gender-flipped the role of Pine’s MI-6 handler, Leonard Burr, into Angela Burr (Olivia Colman). Fittingly, Hiddleston and Laurie formed a bromance of their own during the project’s development and over the course of the intensive 76-day shoot, which took them to Morocco, Majorca, Switzerland, and London. “[Laurie] can’t address me by my real name,” Hiddleston says, “I sign off emails to him as ‘Pine’, and he addresses me as 'Pine’. I don’t know why, but it makes us laugh.”

Airs April on AMC, February on BBC1.

29 Dec 2015 · 1044 notes · reblog · ·
The Night Manager Tom Hiddleston Hugh Laurie Entertainment Weekly Jonathan Pine article via twitter Pine Pine piiiiiiiiine oh damn he looks good but we knew this lol *breathes into paper bag*
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